• Here’s why marketer’s need to understand dedicated and shared IPs

    Your reputation is tied to your IP and your domain, thus, both have to be properly configured and protected....


    Here’s why marketer’s need to understand dedicated and shared IPs

    Your reputation is tied to your IP and your domain, thus, both have to be properly configured and protected....

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    SAP announces secure, scalable business-to-business solutions for marketers

    Software and technology provider SAP announced the launch of a new B2B software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that will allow users to securely...


    SAP announces secure, scalable business-to-business solutions for marketers

    Software and technology provider SAP announced the launch of a new B2B software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that will allow users to securely...

    IAB Europe releases new GDPR consent framework for comment

    雷神加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-2-19 · 华军纯净下载频道,为您提供雷神加速器最新版下载、雷神加速器绿色版等软伀下载。更多雷神加速器6.0.2官方版历史版本 ...


    IAB Europe releases new GDPR consent framework for comment

    The Transparency & Consent Framework v2.0 comes amid an ever-changing ecosystem of privacy regulations, aimed at helping ad tech vendors meet...


    IAB Tech Lab has opened SIMID (Secure Interactive Media Interface Definition) specifications for public comments through May...

    IAB Tech Labs starts to replace VPAID with more interactive SIMID ad specs

    vpm_科学名词_化学单位_VPM模块 - 头条百科:真空泵是一种旋转式变容真空泵须有前级泵配合方可使用在较宽的压力范围内有较大的抽速对被抽除气体中含有灰尘和水蒸汽不敏感广泛用于冶金、化工、食品、电子镀膜等行业。

    Salesforce Summer ’19 release preps for Lightning migration: What you need to know

    New features are designed to improve productivity and strengthen customer journey insights, but core upgrades are aimed at supporting the...

    Salesforce Summer ’19 release preps for Lightning migration: What you need to know

    New features are designed to improve productivity and strengthen customer journey insights, but core upgrades are aimed at supporting the...


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    Replay: BuzzFeed SEO lead talks the future of AMP

    What SEOs need to consider before Google lifts the AMP restriction on the Top Stories...


    Replay: BuzzFeed SEO lead talks the future of AMP

    欢迎登录华为站点:2021-5-19 · Uniportal是华为公司对外提供身份认证的唯一入口,在使用华为公司的其他对外服务时,您的Uniportal帐号和登录信息会被共享。

    Online ad revenue was almost $125 billion in 2022 but growth is slowing

    About 70% of ads appeared on mobile devices and 82% were programmatic....


    About 70% of ads appeared on mobile devices and 82% were programmatic....

    Nearly two-thirds of online publishers saw lower CPMs in early May

    Though they're ticking back up, decreased CPMs are still a buying...

    Nearly two-thirds of online publishers saw lower CPMs in early May

    Though they're ticking back up, decreased CPMs are still a buying...

    Why businesses that prioritized martech, data and organization are faring better during COVID [Video]

    “One thing I can say is a true trend when we look across clients who are doing really well versus [those that are] struggling right now, is...

    赶快卸载!这些APP上了工信部“黑名单”_新民社会_新民网 ...:2021-7-31 · 网络配图 7月31日,工信部公布了2021年二季度检测发现问题的应用软伀名单。其中包括酷派应用商店的“天天捕鱼”、中兴应用商店的“别踩白块 ...

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    4 takeaways for content marketers in the time of COVID-19

    Brands are playing it safe with their messaging, but there are still opportunities to serve and engage...

    4 takeaways for content marketers in the time of COVID-19

    VPM-VC (Valve Check): 阀门检漏单元 - DUNGS ...:Certificates [PDF] 燃气设备条例 CE-0123CT1102-VPM-VC.pdf (3 MB) [PDF] 压力器械指伂 DGR-045.pdf (1 MB) [PDF] SIL SIL-MPA-41xx.pdf (425 KB) [PDF] FM-VPM.pdf ...


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